Monday, October 14, 2013

Ruff Rida

DC Model Aaron Poindexter a/k/a "Spydaman" 

Says He Rides For The Thrust of Speed!

FDNA. When how old was you when you started working out?

Aaron. I was 13 when I started

FDNA. What got you into working out? What was your motivation back then?

Aaron. I used to want to be a bodybuilder. I was always captivated by muscles, so when I stepped into the gym for the first time I went crazy.

FDNA. How do you feel about that now? is you motivation changed or is it still the same?

Aaron. I still enjoy working out but I also enjoy life and getting the most out of it.... My mantra is now I just want to look good naked.....That's my motivation!

FDNA. Speaking about being naked how did you get in to modeling nude?

Aaron. I've always been more comfortable nude than with clothes on. My first time shooting nude was with a female photographer named Shannon Giles (MIRU IMAGES), and its been a wrap ever since.

FDNA. So whats your view on modeling nude and what would you say to models that i thinking about getting into modeling?

Aaron. I personally don't have a problem with modeling nude I think it's the purest form of modeling your flaws as well as your greatest attributes will be expressed which to me is true art. I say to anyone thinking about getting into modeling have a love for it, study it, nature it, believe in it, and do what you do.

FDNA. How old are you?

Aaron. 34

FDNA. Whats your relationship status?

Aaron. Very single! Still waiting on my bride to be.…

FDNA. Whats your sign


FDNA. Where are you originally from?

Aaron. Mt Rainier, Md

FDNA. Where did the name "Spydaman" come from?

Aaron. It was a name one of my instructors gave me while I was in Sniper School, one of the shots that I needed to make was made while laying on the ground with spiders crawling on me.

FDNA. I take it you past that part of the course with flying colors lol

Aaron. I can't say I passed with flying colors but yes I did pass.…

FDNA. So your part of a motorcycle club. when did you start riding?

Aaron. Yes. I started riding dirt bikes as a teenager and as time past I got into motorcycles and that thirst for speed…

FDNA. I know the last time we shoot you had just gotten over a bike Accident that left you a little cared up. What happened?

Aaron. I was going too fast in a curve and ended up losing control of the bike, which left the bike totaled and me scraped up.

FDNA. Well we are all glade you are okay

Aaron. Appreciate it

FDNA. So what do you think about the Ruff Rider story? Im sure the ladies want to know are you a "Ruff Rider"? Lol

 Aaron. I really like the story. I really don't like the term Ruff Rider, considering is the name of a legitimate bike club that I don't want to have any affiliation with, (lol). However I am known to Break a lil Silence ( Broken Silence is the name of my club), lol.

FDNA. You know that your work is viewed by both the straight Community as well as the gay community, how do you feel knowing you have a strong gay following?

Aaron. I accept it. Regardless of your lifestyle people are people and we all have likes and dislikes. I am by no means gay however I think it's kind of cool to be able to gain interest in men and women. Ultimately its all love and just as much as I would expect respect from the straight community I expect it from the gay community.

FDNA. Last question. tell us something about you that most people don't know

Aaron. There's so much I can say... I realize that this might be something that may not draw any interest from my fans of supporters, but the man I am is due to a special young lady (Kimberly Maxwell) she has always supported me and had my back when I didn't know which way I was going. And I want to take the time out to tell her that I love her for that.

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